"The iron in our blood was formed in stars, billions of years ago, trillions of miles away."- The Perot Museum of Natural Science

As human beings, we are not all acquainted with the same Earth. We do not all wake to the same walls of the same room or have the same two hands tuck us in at night. But when cut, we bleed. We all bleed. And although it sounds strange, we bleed stardust.

The iron that governs our red blood cells is composed of the same atoms that once burned in stars, meaning every human being can be traced back to the very same place. In today's world, it is incredibly easy to see the differences between us because we are so distracted by labels and media and stereotypes, but we must remember that we all need iron to live; what is essential to each of us is the same.

So in case you ever forget, we are here to guide you through the differences of our skin and into the samenesses beneath. We are here to remind you of the iron in our blood.

Send questions and comments to theironinourblood@gmail.com

Monday, January 21, 2013

Goods for Good

Red & Blue Vintage Backpacks (ON BACK ORDER)Maria

Trends, your wallet, and your conscience may not always agree. But NationWares, founded by Amie Mariana Sider, aims to provide consumers with socially, environmentally, and economically conscious goods. Meet the artisans who create and profit from the beautiful handmade bags, shoes, belts, and more that you purchase online at www.nationwares.com.

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